Thursday, June 16, 2011

Close Encounters of the Deer Kind

With the crazy manic day yesterday searching for a lost negative and trying to remember how to correctly print a Ware method cyanotype, no packing was done (by me) until this morning. Instead of leaving the house at 8:30 I got on the road in the rain around 12:30 pm. Still despite my late departure, I was able to drop off my framed photograph in Columbus for the Roy G Biv benefit Friday night.
Halfway to Boston and the drive was relatively uneventful. Remembering what I forgot to bring. Trays for processing prints. Hair clippers (strangely enough I remembered a hair dryer). Medium format film and cameras. Some expired paper for doing lith and lumen prints.
I did have a close encounter with a deer at 65 miles and hour outside of Salamanca. I think I swerved enough and slowed down enough that it was mostly a brush for both of us. The deer was able to scamper into the forest after appearing suddenly from the sunken median. I just used up all that good kharma from last week rescuing the woodchuck with the tin can stuck on its head.

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