Wednesday, March 14, 2012

apple (again)

The last few weeks have been both chaotic and structured in preparation for Houston. Good printing days and bad printing days. Bad printing days followed by no printing days. I really shouldn't be mussing with gold and palladium toners with the Van Dyke Brown prints this close to FotoFest.
Needless to say, all the lack of blogging will be followed by an avalanche of correspondence once step onto Texas soil. In between now and then, how about a little synchronicity between my new favorite muse, apples and perhaps my even newer, new favorite muse, images of planetary nebulae from the Hubble telescope. I came across this, strangely enough, from a recent Los Angeles Times column about their decision to scrap the star rating system for restaurant reviews.

Planetary Nebula NGC 6751
apple (again), gold and palladium toned van dyke brown print

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