Monday, January 23, 2012

the great saffron experiment, part II

Yesterday and today I have been coating the saffron emulsion onto Fabriano Artistico Hot Press Extra White.

zero, one, and two coats

zero, two, and four coats

zero, three, and five coats

zero, four, and six coats
Some notes:
  • The emulsion was brushed on with a foam brush. Keep the brush as perpendicular to the paper as possible and don't apply too much pressure on the paper surface. The more coats applied, the more likely the nap of the paper will get pulled up.
  • The color is becoming more concentrated around the center of the paper. I believe this is because this is where I pour the emulsion on (about 6 cc per coat) before brushing outwards.
  • I will probably go through the entire 100 cc of emulsion I made on two sheets of 12" x 15" paper (and stop there).

1 comment:

francis schanberger said...

I wrote too quickly about the clearing of the liquid. It took between 24 and 48 hours for it to clear up with the suspension building up on the bottom of the glass jar.