Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pokeberry Anthotype Attempt Number Three (and Four)

If at first I don't succeed, try, try again. If at second I don't succeed, try, try, try again. This will be anthotype attempt number three and number four. The first attempt got washed away by rain because I overestimated the water proof qualities of an IKEA frame. The second attempt was stolen from a public field in South Park after a week of exposure. That anthotype was in an ugly World Imports wood frame stained green and purchased from a thrift store. The loss of the negative and exhibition preparations prevented me from replacing it very quickly.

So here is attempt number three. I think I have solved both the theft issue (thanks Chasper) as well as the water proof issue. Both anthotypes are located in the sunniest windows in our house and, if Bridgette agrees their placement, I should have some anthotypes done in time before the Bogle clan descends on Dayton.


francis schanberger said...
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francis schanberger said...

Go to my November 25th, 2010 blog entry to see what the anthotype on the right looks like after 40 days.