Sunday, October 26, 2008

OOVAR, please vote

A plea, prayer, request and favor. The Columbus Metropolitan Library (Main Branch) is hosting their third annual Ohio Online Visual Artist Regisry's exhibition.

I have one piece, titled "Dunce", that has been accepted and I wish to promote that fact (unashamedly). The library has a people's choice category in which visitor's to the main library can vote for their favorite piece. In this election year we all can make an impact. I invite you to pass this along to anyone who may remember me from Columbus or anyone who wants to see a great annual juried exhibition in a very public space.

The 3rd Annual Ohio Online Registry Juried Show will take place October 13 through November 29, 2008 at the Columbus Metropolitan Library's Main Branch at 96 S. Grant.

I do feel a bit guilty for asking for votes but it is in the spirit of a historical election year and I am not stooping to using Robocalls. Please stop by the library's main branch and vote for an artist and their work. If you can't make up your mind I hope that you make "Dunce" your write-in canidate.

francis schanberger

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