Wednesday, November 30, 2011

picture(s) from "Transferred"

Only two pictures to report from Transferred which ended it's run at the Torpedo Factory last weekend. All photographs by Tim Castlen.

That's me pointed to evidence I have a cat. To the left, Sacred Heart and to the right, Apple. Below is an image by Michele Cole's palladium print Stir.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Jane Reece vs. Dr. Frangst

In the battle for supremacy, who will win? Will it be Ohio’s most famous pictorialist after Clarence White, Jane Reece? Or will it be Francis Schanberger adopting the guise of Dr. Frangst? Please visit the next exhibition by the Dayton Society of Painters and Sculptors, “Past, Present and Future” to find out.

Ragweed Look-up by Francis Schanberger (left) and Children in Costume by Jane Reece (right)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

gum over second layers

Here are the next layers, ugly as they may be. I was searching for a cadmium orange to go on top of the cyanotype layer and not finding any mixed up something hideous. I also neglected to smooth out the brushed on emulsion creating the paint brush streaks. Maybe the students will like them but I don't.

Second layer of pink made using the black color separation with a five minute exposure.   
Ugly orange red mix like Venetian Red on top of the cyanotype layer. Exposed for five minutes using the magenta separation.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

gum over

For the alternative processes class, a gum bichromate demonstration. The digital photo is from my wedding day (a walk before the ceremony) in San Patricio, New Mexico six years ago. The first print is a single layer of pink using a magenta color separation negative exposed for five minutes. The second print is cyanotype layer lightly exposed in the NuArc First Light for 15 minutes using a black color separation negative.

five minute exposure with magenta separation
15 minute exposure of a cyanotype layer with a black separation negative

Tonight I did two more exposures / layers on top of these but I won't be able to photograph and upload them until next Monday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

three tries

Right now I am trying a few different approaches to creating photographs based on the trees of Woodlawn Arboretum and Cemetery. The pinhole, eight x ten and one other technique to be unveiled later this week (it involves spray paint!).

This one feels like winter and I just may photograph the pecan trees in Dexter this way. After one roll, I am in love with the Diana Mini!

Three attempts at photographing an ash tree and sky, Sunday November 13th.

Monday, November 14, 2011

got a gun

Welcome to archive Mondays. I've got a gun or more accurately a photogenic drawing of a starter pistol. It is a palladium print on Crane's stationary from about 2007.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Images from Transferred

The Torpedo Factory has images up for the work being shown in Transferred: Alternative Processes in Photography. Please visit the Target Gallery website at:

Participating artists are: Aspen Hochhalter, Erin Woodbrey, Alison Nguyen, Michele Cole, Timothy McCoy, Alexander Larson, Jonah Calinawan, William Fenn, Emily Barnett, Gary Salazar, Paige Critcher, Marydorsey Wanless, Therese Brown, Rebecca Sexton Larson, Scott K. Murphy, Angela Kidd, Alice O'Neill, Elizabeth Janis Sweeney, Lindsey Beal, Barbara Johnson and the two represenatives from Ohio, Tracey Longley-Cook and myself.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


It's time to make the switch from photography to painting!

Since ruby and amber lith are in short supply I took another route. Today I worked with red gouache in an attempt to create a red mask for a vandyke brown experiment involving an offset positive and negative of the Japanese Pear. I will post the (possibly fugly) results in a few days. Photo courtesy of Jenny Watercutter.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

maybe number 102?

"Apple" and "Don't Take This Personally" will both be included in the Ohio Art League's Annual Fall Juried exhibition. The juror this year is Liz Maugans,  co-founder and Managing Director of Zygote Press, Inc. The exhibition is located at Schnormeier Gallery, 221 South Main Street, Mount Vernon, OH 43050 and will run from November 18, 2011 - January 7, 2012. The gallery is located on the campus of Mount Vernon Nazarene University.  An opening reception is scheduled for Friday, December 2, 6 - 9 p.m.

Maybe this is number 102?. The Ohio Art League began their juried exhibitions around 1910 and recently had their 100th anniversary Fall Juried exhibition in 2009.

Monday, November 7, 2011

making the laboratory romantic

Going from an undergraduate degree in science (biochemistry) to an MFA (emphasis in photography and digital imaging), I often look back to how I became interested in science and what made me change careers. In explaining my initial attraction to the sciences I recall images from NASA's unmanned missions like Voyager and Viking, drawings of blood cells in a National Geographic, and an image of Marie Curie in her lab.

In the summer of 1999 I attended one of the Museum of Photographic Arts workshop lectures. Susan Kae Grant was the artist and in her talk she alluded to a record of Marie and Pierre Curie returning to their Paris lab at night and seeing a lavender glow on work surfaces in the darkened room. Photographs like the one above are probably a strong influence in my early staged images of Dr. Frangst.

Today is the 144th anniversary of her birth (she's about sixty years younger than her countryman Frederic Chopin). Madam Curie, thank you for making he lab space romantic.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

a cosmological bent

Here is the latest work print in the Forces of Nature series. So far this year I have created prints of an apple, which was one of handful Bridgette used for a drawing assignment, and a pluot, which I found in the cafeteria of Emmanuel College this past summer. This is a Japanese Pear, pyrus pyrifolia, which I spotted in the produce section of Dorothy Lane Market here in Dayton. All three have a cosmological bent to the image. My hope is that they are just as likely to reference stellar nurseries as they are the specific products of trees.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

tree bark, take two, seeing what's on the ground glass

Last Saturday, for the first time in three years, I broke out the 8x10 camera. I gave myself a problem by loaning the 120 WPC (Holga) to a student and I found myself in need of continuing on with the new chapter in the Forces of Nature project, tree barks with shadows of leaves falling on them.

Here are the first two sheets of film processed on Monday. I feel like the lens is too long of a focal length which means finding a shutter for an old Goerz wide angle I have in my basement. However, it was nice to be using the view camera again, setting up the tripod and seeing what is on the ground glass.

I imagine the work being printed on a paper like Kozo, perhaps a toned Kallitype that ends up a neutral black. Here is what the cropped version may look like.